
LINC program management software

Program management simplified

SchoolSense is an all-in-one, fully customizable product tailored towards the needs of LINC program managers. Client and instructor data is easily searchable while configured to respect privacy. Comprehensive statistics on all metrics make reporting simple and accurate.

Detailed Statistics

See statistics for number of clients, country of origin, language, postal code, arrival date and GCMS codes.


All aspects of data handling are simplified. Classes can be quickly scheduled and teachers and clients assigned.


Client personal data can only be viewed by select users. Data is hosted in a secure server in the location of your choice.

Search Easily

Classes can be organized by type, scheduled time, clients enrolled, teach and many other attributes. The classes each student has completed, is enrolled in or waitlisted for are listed on their detail page.

Clients can also be organized by  waitlist status, which classes they are enrolled in and other attributes. Clients with children can be linked to that child, making the parent’s information viewable wherever the child appears.

Easy Exports

All statistics can be exported with or without filters. Export formats include PDF and Excel. 


Flexible Scheduling

Classes can be scheduled in any configuration and teachers assigned.

Fully Customizable

SchoolSense can be customizedto better meet the demands of managing your LINC program.